Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fashion Institute of Technology Complaint

On Thursday, January 31st, at around 1:10PM I stopped-by at Registrar's office at the Fashion Institute of Technology to hand-in my transcript in a sealed envelope from Brooklyn College. I handed-in the transcript envelope to the receptionist that was on duty at around 1:10-1:15PM. He told me that the process of uploading the transfer grades into the system takes around 10 or so days. After handing-in transcript envelope, I left the Registrar's office.

2 weeks passed by with no progress, so on Thursday, February 14th, at around 1:15PM I stopped-by again at Registrar's office at the Fashion Institute of Technology to inquire about the status of the entry of the transfer grade from the Brooklyn College's transcript that I handed in 2 weeks ago. The receptionist told me to fill out he "Student Intake Form", which I did and handed it in back to him, and the receptionist gave me the yellow copy of it, after which he told me to wait for the changes to occur in the DARS online information system, or either wait for someone from the Registrar's office to contact me via email or by phone.

1 weeks passed by with no progress, so on Thursday, February 21st, at around 1:15PM I stopped-by again at Registrar's office at the Fashion Institute of Technology to inquire about the status of the entry of the transfer grade from the Brooklyn College's transcript that I handed in 3 weeks ago. The receptionist went somewhere within the Registrar's office area and came back several minutes later and said that the registrar is away from the office and that I should come back at 2:30PM to see him. I came back at 2:30 and this time there was another receptionist at the front desk; I explained to her about my situation, she made a copy of my yellow "Student Intake Form" and said that Mr. Omotoso will upload the transfer grade changes to DARS, and that I should see them "either today or tomorrow"; referring to today [Thursday, February 21st] and tomorrow [Friday, February 22nd].

On Tuesday, February 26th, at around 1:15PM I stopped-by again at Registrar's office at the Fashion Institute of Technology to inquire about the status of the entry of the transfer grade from the Brooklyn College's transcript that I handed in 27 days ago. The receptionist made a photocopy of my yellow "Student Intake Form" and assured me that the issue will be resolved by the end of today
(February 26th, 2013) and that I should check my account on DARS online information system periodically to see the results of the transfer grades and credits. After this I left the Registrar's office.

As of right now [Tuesday, February 26th, 10:42PM] there has been no progress in terms of my course credit transfer from Brooklyn College to Fashion Institute of Technology. Almost 1 month passed and it seems that no one at the Registrar's office has put any time or effort into taking a closer look into my issue. A simple thing as a uploading provided information [transcript] should not take this long.

I want the Fashion Institute of Technology's Registrar's Office to upload the grade and credits from the Brooklyn College's transcript that I handed in to my DARS account within Fashion Institute of Technology's online information system.

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